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From the Desk of Kim Belding
Crazy Christmas Experiment
It’s time for Jon’s Crazy Christmas Experiment! In this one, the theme was “What if Frosty the Snowman were real?” I was surprised to find that many of them, like mine, hinted at Frosty rather than showing him. Check it out below:
You can also check out Jon’s work at http://jonscrazystuff.blogspot.ca.

Picpak at 100

90sRiffic: A 90’s Cartoon Blog

New Fan Art from Euler
Today I’ve got a piece of fan art for you from someone named Euler from Spain. I definitely love the style in this one. Check out his blog and comics at http://www.eulerhumor.com/EN/!

Jon’s Fan Art
Jon Esparza just sent me in some great, crazy fan art. You can check out his work at jonscrazystuff.blogspot.ca. Love it!

Re-Design 2012
Holy overhaul, Batman! Welcome to this site’s first redesign in over two years. With the new 3-column layout, the comics have a lot more breathing room…which means larger-sized comics will be coming up. If you’re using Adblock, you’ll see that there’s a large red space where the ad’s supposed to go. You could argue it looks better than an ad, but there it is. It’s a major change that might take some getting used to, but I for one love it.
Interview with A. M. Frasier of the MeltedPOT

Crazy Cartoon Experiment
Jon Esparza is having a #CrazyCartoonExperiment over at Twitter. Its sole objective is to “draw a helium-filled dog floating precariously close to a cactus”. Here’s my submission:
You can check out his work at jonscrazystuff.blogspot.ca. Enjoy!

Picpak Dog in: “Feelin’ Groovy”
Picpak Dog in: “Feelin’ Groovy” is an animated short film made for my final year in college. It stars Picpak himself as he sings with the trees, cars and lampposts along to “Feelin’ Groovy” by Harpers Bizarre. Enjoy!