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%516 %20, %2010
Today is the 7th anniversary of Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page! Wow, has it really been that long?
%006 %31, %2010
Welcome back! After 2 months(!) of downtime, the site is finally hosted on a new address: http://picpak.net/calvin/. This should finally fix all the bandwidth problems. Take care!
%491 %18, %2009
It's that time again! Happy 24th birthday, Calvin and Hobbes!
%424 %28, %2009
As you may know, GeoCities shut down yesterday. That means a lot of dead links in my Links section. Not to fear, however, for rather than taking them down, I've decided to replace them with their archived counterparts at web.archive.org. Happy link surfing!
%422 %10, %2009
A long time ago on Digital Calvin and Hobbes, there was a game called Spiff in Trouble. Ever since Chris took it off his site, it's been off mine too. But today I've found it again and it's back! Click here to play yourself a round of "Spiff in Trouble"!
%697 %20, %2009
Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page is as old as Calvin! That's right, today is this site's sixth birthday. Among other things, two new features I haven't posted about yet include a search bar to make finding what you want on this site that much easier, and a handy-dandy CalvinClub login on the side that lets you post a blog from any page on the site. Not to mention, we also have a forum that's still overloaded with spam. But for now, let's forget about that, bake a cake, and celebrate this site's anniversary!
%970 %13, %2009
%945 %06, %2009
I fixed a bug in the CalvinClub that for whatever reason, didn't let you post apostrophes in blogs. So if that's been holding you back from writing a blog before, don't let it now!
%851 %24, %2009
One new picture in the Fan Art section today! It's a picture of Calvin and Hobbes at Hogwarts School. Check it out!
%890 %27, %2008
You may have noticed a new link under the "Fun" section called "Today's Comic". If you click it, it'll display today's Calvin and Hobbes comic from calvinandhobbes.com. Now you can read the comic without going to the bland, boring official site!
%823 %10, %2008
I've gotten an award! You can check that out in the Awards section.
Also, I've split the Tributes section up into two parts: Tributes and Fan Art. To avoid confusion, generally comics or features that have appeared in published newspapers, magazines, etc. go under Tributes. Everything else goes under Fan Art. The two sections are also now under the "Fun" section. Also, I've added some Spaceman Spiff airplane art to Fan Art, too, so check it out!
%758 %30, %2008
I invite you all to check out Adam's new design for his website, The Calvin and Hobbes Album. It's his best one yet, and the navigation is much more simplified. Great job!
%882 %18, %2008
I didn't have time to say it before, so here it is: HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY, CALVIN AND HOBBES!!!
%437 %31, %2008
Happy Halloween! To celebrate, here's two kids dressed up as Spaceman Spiff on Halloween. There's more new pictures if you scroll down, too.
That's all for today! Remember kids, have a safe and fun Halloween, and don't do like Calvin and eat all the milk duds.
%878 %15, %2008
So I finally got around to fixing the poll. I would have put up one to vote for every book, but it wouldn't let me put that many choices.
I've also put up two overdue tributes in the Tributes section: Calvin and the Pirates and John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes. The second one is more educational than anything, but still, be sure to check them out.
%837 %22, %2008
Lawrence sent in another tribute: this time, it's Calvin and Hobbes drawn in a superhero style. Neat!
%471 %20, %2008
As of today, Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page is 5 years old! (Next year, it'll be as old as Calvin.) Of course, I feel now is a good time to list all the changes I've made to the CalvinClub:
[*]There is a "Remember Me" option when you log into the CalvinClub. While unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work correctly, it does a good job remembering your login info. [*]Instead of hastily loading from the CalvinClub page to the members page, clicking on the CalvinClub page now smoothly loads the members page. But only if you're logged in. [*]I've changed "View All Avatars" option for writing a blog to something that doesn't take an eternity to scroll through (What kind of idea was that?) [*]The forum and CalvinClub are completely integrated. Here's how: ", "") $this->parseBBList(" [*]If you're logged in, the forum will automatically fill in your name for you. (The same goes for writing a blog as well.) [*]That being said, I strongly recommend leaving your CalvinClub name as is when posting. Why? Because now you can post as a guest under your CalvinClub name, log in later, and be able to edit or delete that post. How cool is that? [*]Having said that, logged in members can now edit or delete their own posts. [*]New avatar support. Logged in users can add the address to their avatar under "Avatar URL" and have it show up beside their post. I'd like to work more on this, though: making it an option you can set from the members page, perhaps an avatar upload, things like that. [*]The smilies, BBCode and avatar options are only available to logged in users. While I was unsure of doing this myself, my reasoning was that none of these except for the avatar are blocked out from guests. A guest can still type in ":)" and have a smiley show up. They can still follow the BBCode guide to use that, but no one really uses it anyways. So don't worry guests, you didn't lose much. [*]Logged in users don't have to type in the CAPTCHA (the 5-digit code) when making a post. The way I see it, if you're logged into the CalvinClub, you're obviously not a spambot. :P [*]Want to be a moderator? ;) The forum now has support for moderators. Basically, you can lock and unlock, stick and unstick, delete or edit anyone's posts. However, I don't think the forum is active enough to do this yet. [*]The "View memberlist" link doesn't bombard you with hundreds of usernames; it's now nicely spread across 4 pages. ", "1") If I can come up with (and implement) more features, I'll be sure to do so. Reader Lawrence Burdick has sent me some nice tributes he found. They're called "Calvin as an Adult" and "Transmogrification". You can see them under the Other Tributes section. There's also a new strip under the Fake Strips section called "Calvin and Hobbes at Carnegie Mellon University". And another great thing is that there are no more dead links in the Cinema section. If you see one, let me know! And that should cover just about everything. Who knew how far this site would come in 5 years? I remember Chris on http://www.calvin-and-hobbes.org saying something to the extent of "It's only got one page, but it's sure to grow." How right he was! P.S: If you want comments enabled for this post, just let me know in the forums and I'll turn them on. The reason I turned them off were because the spammers were getting so bad, I almost lost my site because they were overloading the server. I'm not sure what would need to be discussed here that couldn't be discussed in the forums, but like I said, just let me know. ') . '">Read more...
%823 %05, %2008
Check out this tribute to the inspiration for Calvin and Hobbes, John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes. It's pretty clever!
%967 %02, %2008
Check these fake strips out. Taking a note from Garfield Minus Garfield, this site has Calvin and Hobbes minus Hobbes. Some of them are surreal, some of them make no sense, and some of them are funny in a really bizarre way. Either way, it's worth a look.
%761 %13, %2008
MAD Magazine recently published "Calvin and Jobs", a parody of Calvin and Hobbes and Steve Jobs, the owner of Apple. You can see the comics here. They're funny, if you're into Mac humor.
%579 %16, %2008
Visitor Steve let me know of an auction going on at eBay for an unopened cassette by The Rels. In case you don't know, the cover art is drawn by "Fang Wampir", who is actually Bill Watterson (see here for more details). The auction is here. Currently it's going for $100. If you're interested, check it out!
%421 %11, %2008
Webcomic xkcd has a reference to Calvin and Hobbes in their comic today. I've put it up in the Tributes section, under "Other tributes".
%841 %19, %2008
Due to some changes on the site, your chosen theme may not load correctly. To fix this, go back to "Customize" and re-choose your theme. Sorry for the inconvenience.
%568 %18, %2008
I've added a new theme called Softer. As the title suggests, it's a bit lighter and plainer than the other themes, but it's very easy on the eyes. Go check it out. ;)
In case you're wondering, to change back to the other themes, use the "Customize" link on the left-hand side (under "Fun"). The same applies for the Classic theme as well.
I've also set the default theme to Blue, because it's so much nicer. :D
%990 %02, %2008
For the first time in I-don't-know-how-long, everything in the CalvinClub completely works (For some reason it didn't last time; my test accounts worked, but no one else's did). So now, everything that you've wanted to see in there for the past year is there, when you log in. And yes, EVERYONE can log in. Enjoy!
%729 %01, %2008
Well...it turns out that the CalvinClub has been broken for the past year(!). There's supposed to be an e-mail notification that lets you activate your account...however, that e-mail is never actually sent. That means a lot of unactivated accounts. I went through and activated each one.
I also made it so that only entering a username and password is necessary when signing up. No need to put your first name, last name and e-mail address anymore.
Also, I've disabled the e-mail confirmation altogether, so that means no more e-mail troubles.
Have fun!
%928 %23, %2008
Not much to say today. There's a new poll and one new link in the Links section. Just one.
%879 %02, %2008
Happy new year! Through a series of trial and error, I managed to fix the main page of the forum. Took me long enough!
%534 %18, %2007
Just think: if Calvin were real, he could be drinking or driving a car right now. Scary.
%984 %09, %2007
I did some work on the forum today, and I've managed to fix a lot of the problems that it previously had. I also added some more spam protection to it too. The forum now runs on Simple PHP Forum, but the posts are still there. Go check it out!
%891 %28, %2007
If you logged on earlier today, this was what you saw. Yes, folks, the site was hacked. I don't know how, I don't know why, I just know that it was.
Thankfully, only the main page was taken down. And that was easy to get back up.
It just goes to show that no site is safe on the Internet. Not even Calvin and Hobbes ones.
%840 %16, %2007
The main changes right now are in the Links section: namely, I weeded out the dead links and put whether or not the site links back (stolen directly from the links section of calvinandhobbes.co.nr. So sue me).
If you use Facebook, you may be interested in the Facebook applications at Calvin The Boy of Destiny. Enjoy!
%412 %13, %2007
Here's an article that Bill Watterson wrote about Peanuts, as well as the book "Schulz and Peanuts: An Autobiography". Not only is it an interesting read, it shows that Watterson is still around and working.
%741 %18, %2007
If you've been intimidated by all the spammers posting in the forum lately, now is the time to check it out. I haven't seen any in days.
I also added a new poll, and a new link to the links section: Calvin The Boy of Destiny.
%488 %20, %2007
Today is the fourth anniversary of Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page! Here's to...well, way more than four more!
PS: Check out my new webcomic!
%777 %31, %2007
Lots of new things and gadgets set up for you this afternoon, such as:
- A Captcha system when posting comments on news, which will hopefully cut down on comment spam
- A simpler, nicer way of choosing avatars when posting a blog in the CalvinClub, including a preview of your current avatar
- A revamped forums sidebar that tells you how many people have replied, as well as a reply link
- A forum that'll look a lot nicer with other themes
- A new red theme that looks awfully pink, but bear with me here.
So long, kids! Always brush your teeth! Kapwinggg!
%777 %20, %2007
Just some small changes here and there, such as some new links...and finally, a new poll. :)
It's also great to see the forum full of activity again. Keep posting!
%777 %30, %2007
I've uploaded two images from the Canadian edition of the April 2007 Reader's Digest. In it, the "Word Power" section uses words from Calvin and Hobbes. The quality's not the best, but you get the idea. You can check them out in the Tributes > Other section.
%777 %25, %2007
Do I have a treat for the people who prefer the old design: under the Customize section, you can now choose the "Classic" design, which has all the same features of the new design, but the look of the old!
The only drawback: the forum, for some reason, won't save your style settings. I'm still working on getting a solid forum solution.
UPDATE: not only is the forum now correctly working, also back is the long-awaited forums column on the right-hand side. Enjoy!
%776 %22, %2007
I didn't feel that the Customize section was worthy of its own page, so I've incorporated it into the website. Click on it and check it out.
%777 %24, %2007
Much in the same vein as Digital Calvin and Hobbes before its redesign, I've added an RSS feed for all news updates, which you can see if you click the little red icon to the top right of this message. What is RSS, you ask? Basically, it's a way of getting up-to-the-minute notification of future updates. Clicking the icon will give you more information. This'll save you from having to check the site every now and then to see if it's updated. Enjoy!
%776 %12, %2007
I've added a new forum! My goal with this is to be able to get a stable right-hand forums column for once and for all. So keep your eye on the right-hand side of this page, and it should pop up eventually.
%775 %11, %2007
I've done what hopefully is the most I can do to stop guestbook spam dead in its tracks. I've installed what is called a CAPTCHA code system, which basically means you have to type in a 5-digit number code to be able to post in the guestbook. Of course, since most spambots are just that -- bots, they won't be able to type, and thus, can't post in the guestbook. Now, when they start creating spambots with fingers there'll be a problem, but for now I can sleep peacefully at night.
%775 %10, %2007
You're probably wondering why the site would never load correctly (or at all) for the past while. Turns out the forums column of each page was no longer working, and was sending out 9MB(!) of error messages. I've now taken that out, so the site should load normally from now on.
%775 %03, %2007
You may have noticed a new section in the top left-hand corner, Customize. At the moment all you can do is change the theme, but I plan to do more eventually.
%774 %30, %2007
After nearly three years, here it is: the fourth design of Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page.
'( Everything Calvin and Hobbes.
Other things that were removed:
The chat and Tell-A-Friend, because I'm not sure that people use these.
Tributes > Sinfest, because I really don't like them...
Full sized images. Since they break the design, they have to be shrunk down and clicked on. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Geek stuff:
A heavy amount of PHP used: for the guestbook, header, footer, right column, CalvinClub, news, etc, etc.
Valid XHTML 1.0 and CSS.
The entire site design is editable by CSS. If you're good at CSS, perhaps you can get the default template and customize it to your liking. Be sure to send it to me afterwards!
The images are finally stored in a images/ directory.
Short URLs are provided by NL-ConvertToPHP.
Special thanks to Michael Goonan for helping sort out problems throughout the site, and Freehostia for the new hosting. Of course, you can still visit the old page at:
The second one may load faster, but may lack as much content as the first.
Got any questions or comments? If so, let me know by posting a comment!') . '">Read more... )'