Character: The Mice

The mice are a bit of an oddity in this strip. For one, they’re one of the only characters that actually go to school. For another, the majority of them have no defining characteristics or actions at all…sometimes not even a name. However, there are a few stand-out characters, like Kim, a mouse shamelessly named after me, despite the fact that he really isn’t like me at all. The only way you can differentiate him from the other mice is because his nose is red (in B&W strips, his nose is white). He’s the main mouse, and the troublemaker of the group. The Bully doesn’t have a name, but he’s the easiest mouse to pick out: he has a beard. Basically, he’ll bully anyone, anytime, anywhere, and without any reason. However, he does get a little set back when someone dares to make a comeback, or try to get back at him. Finally, there’s Doyle. Doyle is dumb. Really dumb. That’s all.