Picpak Dog is on Comikka!

Logo of the comics aggregator Comikka

What is Comikka, you ask? Comikka is an awesome way to read webcomics on both desktop and mobile, no app needed. Plus it supports its creators better than any other webcomic hosting service! If you have an ad blocker, be sure to turn it off or make an exception for Comikka as it won’t load properly otherwise. You can see Picpak Dog on Comikka here. Right now it has comics from 2012, but others will come soon. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Picpak Dog is on Comikka!

  1. Thanks for the mention, Kim. We’re very excited to have Picpak on Comikka!

    1. Thanks Carla! That means a lot! 🙂

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