Picpak Dog is on Tapastic!

tapasticTapastic is a popular webcomic hosting site that’s been growing rapidly each day. Many well-known comics are on it and now Picpak joins the team. What does this mean for you? Well, it comes with a great mobile design that makes reading Picpak on the go a cinch. You can subscribe, get notifications for each new comic, add favourites and more. I’ll be posting the newest strips along with some of my favourites. So what are you waiting for? Check us out today!

Note that this won’t change the site or the RSS feed, and everything will work as normal. If comics are being cut off or are too small to read, trying rotating your phone. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Picpak Dog is on Tapastic!

  1. Will it still be here or do I have to change my RSS reader?

    1. Don’t worry, this site is going nowhere. The RSS will work fine.

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