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<a href="http://calvinandhobbes.tk"> <img src="http://calvinandhobbes.freehostia.com/ images/kimbanner.gif" alt="Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page" border="0"></a>

88 x 31 Buttons

Link to it using the HTML code below:
<a href="http://calvinandhobbes.tk"> <img src="http://calvinandhobbes.freehostia.com/ images/Calvin%20and%20Hobbes/button.gif" alt="Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page" border="0"></a>

Link to it using the HTML code below:
<a href="http://calvinandhobbes.tk"> <img src="http://calvinandhobbes.freehostia.com/ images/Calvin%20and%20Hobbes/kchplogo.gif" alt="Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page" border="0"></a>

User-Submitted Buttons

Made by Calvin01:

Link to it by using the HTML code below:
<a href="http://calvinandhobbes.tk"> <img src="http://calvinandhobbes.freehostia.com/ images/Calvin%20and%20Hobbes/cowlink.gif" alt="Kim's Calvin and Hobbes Page" border="0"></a>

Of course, if you do not wish to remote link the images, you can just save and upload them to your own site.